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Notice for Chinese Qingming Festival Holiday 关于2018年清明节放假的通知

发布时间 :2018-03-22 点击量:

I. In accordance with the announcement on the Qingming Festival by the State Council of China, Xi’an Jiaotong University decided to haveTHREEdays off for the holiday, which is from April 5thto April 7th, 2018, and classes will be started on April 8th(Sunday).


II. The classes on April 5th(Thursday) will be cancelled and adjust the courses on April 6th(Friday) to 8th(Sunday). The classes of the Hospital will be further notice.


III.If you want to travel somewhere in China, please tell your monitor or your instructor where you are going.


IV. Please abide by the regulations of the University. Come back to your rooms      before 23:00 and take care of your belongings.


V. Teachers will be on duty during the holidays. If something happens, please tell them.


     Yan Ta Campus雁塔校区:

Tel: 82655450 / 82655380/82655060 (day)白天

        82657918 (night)晚上

        82655395 / 82657494 (the gate of overseas students’ hostels)公寓门房

   Xing Qing Campus兴庆校区:

Tel: 82668017 / 82668812 (day)白天

        82668181 (night)晚上

        82668813 (the gate of overseas students’ hostels)公寓门房

VI. Qingming Jie清明节:

     Qingming Jie (Clear and Bright Festival), around the 5thApril every year, has been one of the traditional festivals in China for thousands of years. On  this day people go to the tombs of their ancestors and relatives, clean their graves, hold memorial ceremonies and pay their respects to them


                                          International Students Affairs Office


                                          Xi’an Jiaotong University


                                           March 22, 2018
