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A Letter to International Alumni of XJTU

发布时间 :2020-04-29 点击量:

A Letter to International Alumni of XJTU

Dear international alumni of XJTU,


This April, cherry trees are blossoming as in any other year on our beloved campus. We celebrated the 124th anniversary of our university both online and offline. Xi’an Jiaotong University hopes to take this opportunity to extend her cordial greetings and sincere wishes to you all at this memorable moment.

The spring of 2020 is a special time to us all. We are now facing the common and potentially crushing foe of all humankind: the coronavirus pandemic. In February this year, China was in a difficult time and waged an arduous and painstaking struggle against the pandemic. Many alumni provided their assistance and showed their caring to our alma mater. At present, the condition within China seems to be under control. However, the spread of COVID-19 becomes worse in some countries or regions. Most of you may work at the frontline fighting the virus for your community and contribute as much as you can. We are deeply worried and eagerly hope that the overseas pandemic can be controlled and alleviated as soon as possible. We hope each of you can stay safe and sound, and protect yourself and your family well through this difficult period.

On April 22, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee visited Xi’an Jiaotong University and gave recognition to the contribution of our alma mater in the fields of talents cultivation, scientific research, international exchange etc. He praised the “Westward relocation spirit” after visiting our university museum. He encouraged all teachers and students to remain true to their original aspiration, continue to draw inspirations from the relocation, pursue their careers in the most-needed places of the country, and pass on the “westward relocation spirit” from generation to generation.

As President Xi Jingping said,” Many major historical advances have followed major disasters.” We hope we can turn the crisis to opportunities, and achieve great development with you all.

Dear international alumni, though we are thousands of miles apart, we can still walk side by side. As long as we work with one heart and help each other, we will surely win the battle against the pandemic. We sincerely wish all our international alumni and their families safe and healthy.

School of International Education

Xi’an Jiaotong University

April 29, 2020