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我校留学生校友Mostafa Kheshti在Science发表letters文章/Mr. Mostafa Kheshti, Iranian Alumnus of XJTU, Publishes A Letter in Science

Release time :2021-01-05 Click-throughput:

近期,我校伊朗籍留学生校友Mostafa Kheshti在《科学》(Science)期刊发表Letters文章《保护伊朗扎格罗斯森林免受野火危害》(IF=41.845),讨论近年来伊朗境内扎格罗斯橡树林野火发生频次快速增长的自然因素、人为因素和意外因素,为全球气候变化问题研究提供思考。

Recently, Mr. Mostafa Kheshti, Iranian Alumnus of XJTU, published a letter in the Journal ofSciencewith the title “Protect Iran’s Zagros forests from wildfires”, analyzing the factors impacting the frequency of wildfires throughout the oak forests in Iran’s Zagros Mountains, which enriches the research on global climate change.

2011年9月,Mostafa Kheshti获得金沙990活动大厅奖学金的资助,开启了他的交大求学之旅。2013年7月,Mostafa Kheshti顺利获得工学硕士学位,并于同年9月申请到中国政府奖学金的资助,成为一名金沙990活动大厅博士研究生,攻读电气系统及其自动化学科博士学位,师从电力工程系主任康晓宁教授,致力于智能电网、可再生能源系统等领域的研究。2017年7月,Mostafa以优异的成绩毕业,获得博士学位。

Mostafa Kheshti现就职于山东大学电气工程学院,任副教授一职。

Mr. Mostafa Kheshti began to study in Xi’an Jiaotong University from September, 2011, as a Master degree student sponsored by Xi’an Jiaotong University Scholarship. After obtaining Master’s degree in July, 2013, Mostafa Kheshti continued to pursue his Ph.D from September in the same year majoring in Electric Power System and Its Automation. Under the sponsorship of Chinese Government Scholarship, he completed his study and was awarded Ph.D degree in July, 2017.

Mr. Mostafa Kheshti is now working as associate professor in Shandong University, China.

论文链接/Link to the Letter: